Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ooooppps It Has Been A While.....

August 17, 2010: Okay so I just realized today that it has been a very long while since I posted....oopsie! So I guess there is a lot to talk about this time. Let's see since the last time I was on I went with Jenn spend time withe her family and go to her family reunion. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot of new things about Jenn that I didn't know before. It was fun to go some where I had never been to before and just see something new.

This weekend I came home to get away from the lack of work and the large amounts of agitation. Saturday Bri and I went on a two hour horseback ride to raise money for children to go to camp next summer. It was tons of fun. IT has been so long since the last time I went horseback riding. It was also a very eventful ride. Between Bri loosing her phone and the little boy behind us we had tons of laughs. It was a lot of fun to spend time with my little sister.

The rest of the weekend I have spent my time working on homework, financial aid, and trying to go to Wilmington some this fall. I really wish everyone was on semesters now so I could have more time to work this out four days is definitely not enough time. I have all my classes picked out it is just a matter of Sinclair approving me register and then Wilmington approving me to register.....this is going to involve a lot of driving....boooo!
Diana Update: Okay so A LOT has happened with Diana since the last time I was on. HOpefully I can cover it all. I think I will go one day at a time according to where I wrote elsewhere.....
  • July 30: Today Diana had a good day and she was able to have Kari and Amanda come visit. Considering she has had a rough week they said she is doing better but still very weak. She is on oxygen now but hopefully we will be able to go see her tomorrow for a little while
  • July 31: Diana is still tired and weak and remains on oxygen. Thankfully she is done with this round of chemo and now her only requirement is to start working on getting stronger.
  • August 1: While I was at home they had a cook out for Tim's birthday and Diana had her head shaved today since she is now loosing her hair.
  • August 2: Hopefully Diana will be able to come home soon. Every day she gets stronger and comes closer to that goal. She will probably remain in the hospital for two more weeks. Her white blood count is down to zero and she is receiving antibiotics to keep from getting sick. She received platelets yesterday and will get some more today. While today had has been a good day she is still not allowed to have very many visitors because her white blood cell count is at zero.
  • August 7: Over the past few days not much has changed she is gaining more strength and doing better and better. She received different platelets today. We were told that her body was rejecting the last set and this was closer to a perfect match hopefully she will be able to hold on to these so she can get her strength up and come home.
  • August 9: Diana is getting her blood levels up and holding on to the platelets!! Although this is a good thing she is feeling another side affect from the chemo called neuropathy. It is a painful side effect that affects nerve endings so her feet especially are hurting. On the brighter side the doctor said hopefully she will get to come home Wednesday or Thursday.
  • August 10: Diana still can't come home yet we are hoping for tomorrow.
  • August 11: After 4 long weeks Diana was finally able to come home late this afternoon. She is home for hopefully two weeks to get her strength back up before she goes back for another round. She is strong enough to have visitors so I am going to go see her tomorrow evening after work.
  • August 12: I saw Diana today. She is getting around pretty well considering her feet still hurt some and she has only been out for a day. She looks so happy to be home. 
  • August 13:  Even though it is Friday the 13 Diana has been having a good day. She went to her doctors appointment this afternoon and received some good news. her blood counts are good and holding. They are going to give her until the 23rd to regain strength, eat, and rest. Then she will return for her next round of chemo. If everything goes well she will only have to stay for a little less than a week meaning she can come home Friday or Saturday!
Okay lesson learned. I will from now on keep up with my posting so my hand is not hurting by the time I am done.