Monday, July 19, 2010

Faith, Hope, and Love

Okay so I'm going to try something new and write about my day or write every few days about anything going on I just want it to be where I can talk about anything and anyone I don't get to talk to a lot can still know what is going on.

So over the past few days:

Thursday, July 15, 2010: I was getting ready to come home when I found out that my Aunt Diana has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphocyte Leukemia. She was admitted to the hospital that night and she will be there for 3 to 4 weeks. Needless to say my family's life has changed and a new motto has come about: Faith, Hope, and Love.

Friday, July 16, 2010: I got my butt out of bed and went to the fair to work the music booster booth from 6-10 am. it was a lot of fun and uplifting to see everyone that I have missed over the last two weeks (including my family). Later Adriam and I hung out and watched the Rodeo =tons of fun!

Saturday: I was unneeded at the booth so I went back home and did some truck searching on the internet. Later Adriam and I headed over to Mary/Mom's to meet Baughman and we hung out for a while before heading back to the fair to see the Tractor/Truck Pulls.

I absolutely love the black smoke pouring from a truck loaded with power! Definitely not something you see or hear in the city.

Diana Update: Diana had surgery today to insert and a piece for all of her IV's and fluids. She will also begin chemo tonight and start her path to remission.

Sunday, July 17, 2010: I worked the fair again this morning from 6-3 It was a long shift but Tiffany and Glen came to hang out with me making the time fly by. I still can't get over how fast the summer has flown by.

Later we went to the Demolition Derby where we were poured on by the rain. Although I can't complain because even though I was in jeans and a white tank top I had tons of fun. Nickolas and JJ threw me down in the mud and then it was on.

Diana Update: Diana had her second and third bag of chemo and lots of visitors. I haven't seen her since Thursday but I am planning to go on Monday. So glad to hear that she is having a good day. The doctors are talking a lot about getting her into remission. The only side affects she is having are chemo headache, and feeling weak from the loss of red blood cells.

Monday, July 18, 2010: Nothing really exciting happened today I just did a LOT of sleeping I forgot how much it takes to stay up until 2 or 3 and then get up the next morning and do it all over again. I have had a lot of fun though this weekend. It was what I needed before heading back home and to work.

Diana Update: Diana had a spinal tap today they removed spinal fluid which was clear and a good sign. They replaced the fluid with chemo. she was tired today and had a headache so over all kind of a bad day. On the better side when she entered the hospital her white blood count was 52000 and today the doctor said she was down to 32000. We are on our way to get her back home for good again. I was able to go see her tonight and spend some time with her. I missed her over the weekend and glad to see that she hadn't had a horrible day even if it was a good one.

Well time for bed and whatever tomorrow may bring.

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