Thursday, July 22, 2010

Missing home

Tuesday, July 20, 2010: Diana Update: Today Diana received a bag of chemo as part of her first round. Her blood cell count was down to 20000 today so things are still going very positive. TI haven't had a chance to see Diana yet but since I saw her on Monday she has had her cut short. This was to make it easier when her hair begins to fall out.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010: I had class tonight and I was talking to a friend from the Lake about missing home. We were talking about how we always said we couldn't wait to get away and now that we are on our own in the "real world" really wish we could go back to high school. Back to when we didn't have to work and the biggest worry we had was what we were going to do with our friends that night or up coming weekend. To everyone who just graduated spend as much time as you can with what is left of your summer and everyone still in high school enjoy it love it in fact cause trust me you are going to want to go back to those days one day. We did have our laughs about the stuff we have to deal with now not everything is bad it is just that there is more we have to be responsible for. I would go back to living at home doing nothing any day right now.

Diana Update:  I was hoping to see Diana today but was not able to go visit. I do know that she was really feeling the chemo affects today. According to Darlene she said it felt like 2 Mack trucks had hit her. Her white blood cell count is down to 7000(!) now! While the white blood cells are being destroyed so are the red so Diana will need to start receiving blood soon. Along with this she basically has no immune system now, so it is even more important for us to scrub extremely well before we go in. She received her last bag of chemo today and will be done for a few day before starting her second round. This round is the most intense she will receive. Hopefully with a few days without the chemo she will be feeling much better for her birthday and have a little more energy.

Thursday, July 22,2010: I hate my car!

Diana Update: Diana has finished her first round of chemo. The final count is in.......2300!!!! She has made amazing progress. She received her first 2bags for a blood transfusion today. She is going to go 7 days with out chemo to regain her strength and then proceed with 4 more days of chemo. Hopefully she will be able to come home soon after!

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